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"The Boy Who Planted
                        a Million Trees"

By Aarav Raney

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After feeling such sadness about the plight of the Earth and its future, the young boy had a dream.

A mammoth goal, a gargantuan plan: to plant a million trees.


House by house, yard by yard, the boy started to plant trees all over his neighbourhood and beyond.

Follow the courageous journey of the boy who dreams of planting a million trees all to make Mother Earth smile again.

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About the Author


Aarav Raney is an eleven year old Dubai-based Author. 

Aarav’s dream of publishing a book and making a difference in the world was realised when he created and published this story: a wondrous tale about a topic that is on the minds of many young children of today. 


At school, Aarav’s favourite subjects are Maths and English, and in his spare time he loves to play tennis and chess. He also loves to cube, code, read and write stories, particularly with exciting new storylines. 


To make the world a better place, Aarav would like to raise awareness about deforestation and of course, planting more trees. He also believes that spreading the message wider about reusing, reducing and recycling of plastics is critical in making the world a better place for future generations.

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